2016 Vancouver Christmas Tree Lighting DRAFT
In addition to the festivities, the tree lighting ceremony in Vancouver is for a great cause. Before and at the event, we encourage you to make a donation to the Vancouver International Children’s Festival. Your charitable donations help the Children’s Festival enrich the lives of children and ensure the Festival remains affordable for everyone. Your contribution directly impacts the amazing outreach programs the Vancouver International Children’s Festival provides such as the Good Neighbour Program, Adopt a Class and the Hospital Outreach Program. Help us keep the Vancouver International Children’s Festival vibrant in our community.
Buy a Bulb
Help us light the trees! Buy a Bulb to help us bring deserving kids to this year’s Children’s Festival! You can purchase 5 bulbs for $5 or 15 bulbs for $10.
The Vancouver International Children’s Festival is pleased to partner with Amacon, Founder of the Vancouver Tree Lighting Celebration, for this memorable event.