Parking and Travelling to Granville Island — Getting directions

Granville Island is readily accessible by public transit, car, ferry, bike or on foot. Getting directions are just a click away.
by CAR ‑FREE PARKING is available on Saturday, May 31 and Sunday, June 1 at the Lululemon parkade at 1818 Cornwall Ave. Enter the parkade entrance on Cypress street turn left (South) off Cornwall. Note: it is a 20-minute kid’s pace walk from the parking lot to Granville Island, so make sure you arrive at least 45 minutes prior to your show to allow enough time to get there. Here’s a walking route to the Festival site.
There is LIMITED PAY PARKING on Granville Island within parking lots, the multi-level parkade on Old Bridge Street and on the street.
Ample PAY PARKING is available at the planetarium at 1100 Chestnut Street. Access the Festival by walking east along this route by the seawall (10–15 minutes).
by CAR SHARE – Evo Car Share parking is available on Granville Island.
by TRANSIT – Catch the #50 bus direct to Granville Island. Service is every 15 minutes from the Waterfront or Olympic Village Skytrain stations. Getting the directions is easy, visit Translink for details.
by BICYCLE – Don’t worry about pay parking, instead take a scenic bike path that runs along the shore of False Creek and there’s plenty of free bike parking on Granville Island, including a FREE Bike Valet
by FERRY – Travel in style with Granville Island Ferries