Volunteers, we need you! Come join the FESTIVAL TEAM.
Volunteers are essential to the Vancouver International Children’s Festival. Our Festival can only run smoothly with the generous help of hundreds of devoted volunteers. Each year, volunteers, like you, contribute to the success of the Festival by helping us welcome 25,000 attendees! It is a huge endeavour and we could not do it without you. As a matter of fact, we LOVE our volunteers and we offer many perks to thank you for your contribution.
Interested? Looking for high school volunteer opportunities? Fill out the ONLINE APPLICATION FORM. Please contact us at volunteer@childrensfestival.ca or call 604–708-5655 with any questions, we would love to hear from you!
Why volunteer?
- Get involved in an exciting creative project and open your mind to different perspectives
- Meet extraordinary people
- Learn and develop new skills
- Take part in a festive community event where you are encouraged to dress up every day you come to work
- Share your love of interacting by volunteering with kids
- Show that you care about your community
- Create wonderful experiences for kids, adults, and co-workers
What are the perks?
- Free snacks and treats at the Volunteer Centre, where you can rest, refuel, and hang out during your break and expand your circle of friends.
- Standby pass for all performances
- Extra Activity Village Wristband: You will receive one Free wristband to the Activity Village for each day you volunteer. This means you can bring your sibling or come back to the Festival at a later time.
- Signed Confirmation outlining that you volunteered “x” hours for the Festival. This is not a reference letter. It is a note confirming your participation in the Festival.
- School credit for hours volunteered. If you require Work Experience forms and Work Experience Evaluation forms completed, you need to volunteer a minimum of 21 hours. We have high school opportunities available.
- Reference Letter upon request for volunteers who contribute a minimum of 24 hours
- Prize draw for volunteers who have completed over 30 hours
What makes a successful volunteer?
- Good command of the English language.
- Strong communication skills.
- Reliable and dependable.
- Attend training session(s).
- Willing to give your time with a smile.
- Contribute to the best of your abilities.
- Flexible, patient, respectful, with a good dose of humility.
- Like to have fun!
What positions are available?
There’s a job at the Festival for everyone, depending on your interest, commitment level, and skill set.
DURING THE FESTIVAL (May 26 to June 1) and the week before: We have a lot of positions to choose from, so we have categorized them in three groups depending on the time commitment and duties required. A full shift is approx. seven hours long. Apply now for the spots you want most!
Our volunteer opportunities:
- Regular Volunteer position requires a commitment of 2 shifts
- Host / Chaperone position requires a commitment of 3 shifts
- Crew Captain position requires a commitment of 5 shifts
Please take a few minutes to read about some of the positions available by clicking on the links above, then go ahead and apply. If you are applying as a Key Volunteer, Host, or Crew Captain you will be asked to upload a resumé on the application form.
Parlez-vous français? Voilà l’opportunité que vous attendiez!
LE BÉNÉVOLAT EN FRANÇAIS/FRENCH SPEAKING VOLUNTEERS LA JOURNÉE FRANCOFUN! Jeudi 29 mai / Thursday, May 29. Sign up on the online application form.
Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to volunteer with the children’s festival! I truly appreciate the time you took to talk with me and explain all the basics of this event. I enjoyed learning more about working with others.
I had an absolute blast every day I volunteered at the Festival. It was wonderful to see how much the kids were enjoying themselves, even when the rain flooded the Activity Village! Working with so many people really made me appreciative of all our differences that make us unique.
I loved working together with the other volunteers and being able to interact with children and their families and make their day a little brighter. Volunteering at the Festival helped me gain more confidence and be open to new experiences and people.
Join The Team
Email volunteer@childrensfestival.ca or call us at 604–708-5655 with any questions, we would love to hear from you!
If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out the Online Application Form below.