
  1. 360 ALLSTARS

    BMX, basketball, breakdancing, MC-ing, acrobatics and drumming take center stage at this super-charged urban circus. A spectacular fusion of artistry with energetic street culture.

    A group of people on a stage performing on a hoop.
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  2. Yassama and the Beaded Calabash

    Rooted in African oral tradition, Yassama and the Beaded Calabash is the story of a young girl who, with the help of the old Baobab tree, saves her village from drought and delivers a powerful lesson about the importance of respecting and honouring Mother Earth.

    A woman in a red traditional African clothing with her arms outstretched and looking up.
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  3. Côté confiture

    Les Soeurs Kif-Kif cheminent dans la comédie et le théâtre de rue et offrent un mélange d’humour inattendu, de coopération avec le public, et de bonheur à faire exploser les légumes ! Préparez-vous à mourir de rire avec l’humour tendre et pétillant des soeurs Kif-Kif.

    Twin female performers in red polka dot bathing suits perform outside in front of a crowd. One is holding a table and fan and the other is in front looking back while holding a cucumber.
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  4. Otosan

    Little Shizu hides in her Otosan’s suitcase and secretly travels to a dangerous destination…The North. Facing snowy owls, white wolves and grizzly bears in the most remote of locations, Otosan and Shizu must learn to tackle challenges together.

    A puppet of a man and a puppet of a little girl. There are four puppeteers in the background
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  5. The Papa Penguin Play

    Everyone loves Peaches and Izzy! Join these two penguin papas at their penguin chick’s first birthday at a party like no other. The Papa Penguin Play is a musical about celebrating family in all its colours and finding the performer in all of us.

    A cartoon illustration of a penguin with a birthday party on an iceberg.
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  6. Robot Song

    Juniper is constantly compared to a robot, but after encountering one on her doorstep, she begins the adventure of a lifetime. Bullies are no match for our young heroine, as she believes in herself and her passion for robots more than anything in this upbeat musical comedy.

    A female actor as a girl is looking down at a blue robot arm she is holding.
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  7. Tree, a world in itself

    A multi-sensory, interactive universe enveloped in soft light, music, and silence, where five characters continually adapt to meet the needs of their audience. It was created for Autistic children and adapted for children with intellectual disabilities and/or reduced mobility.

    Four performers are gathered around a tree in the centre of the stage, holding drum sticks.
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  8. Tree

    Experience the magical world of Tree in this gentle and intimate show for the youngest of audiences. Tree is a rare opportunity for your baby to experience live theatre created just for them!

    A performer helps a small child in the on-stage activity. The performer, a few children, and a few parents, all walk around a tree in the centre of the stage.
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  9. Sakasaka

    Attendez-vous à l'inattendu alors que le trio de clowns emmène le public dans de nombreuses aventures, dont un hommage à la danse Thriller, un voyage sur le Titanic et une opération à cœur ouvert ! Sakasaka, qui signifie assoiffé en malgache, est une comédie physique sans mots avec de la musique live et des effets sonores.

    3 smiling faces of performers for the show Sakasaka
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