Variety Show

Ages: All Ages
Go to show description

Watch Festival performers cut loose! 

This year’s tour de force features daring stunts and high-energy feats from Won’Ma Africa, the zany antics of The Myrtle Sisters, the juggling magic from Luminarium, a feast of traditional songs, music and dance from Liwanda Africa! Plus, singalong with the brightest star in the world of family folk music, Ginalina! This fun-filled evening is always a highlight for kids and adults alike. Hosted by none other than Queen Auntie Jacky, Jacky Essombe! 

Genre: Music, Circus, Storytelling, Theatre, Dance

Show length: 90 minutes!

Ages: All ages!

Venue: Granville Island Stage
1585 Johnston Street, Vancouver, BC

TICKET Pricing


  • All tickets $27.00 +S/C and GST

Accessibility Information


Accessibility advisory:
- This show may have loud/sounds or noises or repetitive noises.
- During the show, there may be objects thrown into the audience and possible tripping hazards.
- This show has background music.
- Children will be invited to participate in sensory interactions.
- The audience will be asked to walk/dance/move around during the show.
- This show may contain special effects using smoke machines and moving lights.

Show times & Tickets

In person

Saturday, May 31  Additional show info Tickets 
6:30 – 8:00 PM  Get Tickets